Saturday, 31 December 2011

Our Ragdoll

He's resting up for New Years

Gifts from Family

I have a hubby who stuggles every year to buy me something I really would love. Well, something happened this Christmas because I was very spoilt.

A feet seat where I can rest my legs while stitching instead of using the recliner
Garnier Ultra Lift gift set (that to help fight the wrinkles)
and best of all, a metal Christmas tree ( I love it, it so me) with a $100.00 gift voucher. I was thrilled to bits because I didn't have a clue as to what was in the box.
 Many years ago he gave me some very ugly garden ornaments which I made him take back. Sad, I know and probably mean but they where a waste of money - the funniest thing is the kids still give him a hard time about the ugly ducks he got mum.
Thank you Darling, I love them.

From My Sister
My sister loves eBay and collecting old things. 
For Christmas she gave me the best gift ever, pink depression glass dressing table set.

 It beautiful, with 3 trinket bowls and candle holder and in perfect condition.
Thanks Sis, I love it.

From Rebecca and Matthew
my babies

3 shabby candle holders, and from Matthew's girlfriend Shan, the rose scented candle.
Thanks kids they're perfect!

Friends in Stitching Secret Santa

This year we did our annual Secret Santa with an advent theme in which was 5 gifts to opened leading up to Christmas and a main gift to open on Christmas day. My SS was Leanne and this is what she sent to me.

3 Christmas Ornies (they look good on my tree)
A bundle of fabric (absolutely love the colours)
A little cushion (great for pins)
Gail Pan pattern - Provence ( very nice,  didn't have that one)
Bon-Bon filled with yummy caramels (none left so I can't share)
and for my main gift, Leanne made me a lovely wall hanging.
Thankyou SO much Leanne, I loved everything you sent to me.
My partner was Tracy and this is what I sent to her.
Inside her parcel were
Sewing pins, buttons, notecards, pattern and writing folding
and a sewing bag with matching needlecase.
 Photo's from Tracy's blog
This was my last year with the girls from Friends in Stitching and I will treasure every moment I had with them.

Beautiful Gifts from Friends

From Helen:
This so cute sewing bag, needle case, pin cushion with two flower pins
plus, a folded fabric Christmas tree bauble
and what every girls needs - an ugly fabric ring pincushion.
A bit of a long story but silly Helen made the mistake of giving us all a little piece of the ugly fabric that was left over...hmmmm wonder what I can make from that?

From Teresa:

Handmade quilters's journal and some yummy gingerbread cookies.

From Laurel:

A lovely plate of homemade goodies...all gone!

From Sandi:

A pretty covered 2012 diary and a lovely wallhanging.

From Jan:
Lavender soap petal roses, chocolate and a bottle of Shiraz.
 Saving that for New Year's eve.

Thankyou girls from the bottom of heart...I love each and every one of your gifts.

Christmas with my Stitching Friends

Christmas Party 2011
Helen is first to arrive looking a little like Santa without the suit with Sandi waiting patiently for every else to arrive.
Here we are..already to party!!!!
 Lucy, me, Helen, Teresa, Laurel, Sandi and our lovely Mary. 
Look at us! We are like little kids on Christmas morning
 Lovely gifts were made and received.
Brandy Snaps with berries, delicious...just one of the yummiest treats we had to eat.
It was another wonderful Christmas together and I look forward to catching up with you all in 2012.

A Dolly Kinda Christmas 2011

The first party to kick of Christmas was with the dolly girls who were trying to get their doll 'Many Wishes' finished before they went home.
Norreen working under Helen's watchful eye.
Cheryl and Jean taking a break
Helen tucking into all the lovely food
That's just morning tea...we all went home a little stuffed just like our dollies
Lesley, Noreen, Helen, Cheryl and Jean 
'Many Wishes' girls looking forward to seeing you in 2012 

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Wishes Do Come True

I have been busy making Wishes Do Come True another cutie designed by Annie Smith.
and I finished her just in time for Christmas. My dolly girls have been making her on Saturday so you will see little Wishes popping up everywhere.

Ornie Swap

Our Friends in Stitching group - had an ornie swap and  I received a lovely Bon-Bon and a gorgeous woollen ornie to hang on my tree. THANKYOU so much Bec 
and this what I gave to Sarah, a pink and red bauble with a chocolate star.